- Foster fellowship among its members through the Filipino tradition of ‘Bayanihan” or similarly the local version of ‘Cayman Kind’.
- Recognize and respect individual rights, perspectives, choices, belief as well as the religious inclination, nationality or organization, in addition to civil and liberty rights.
- Ignite unity and camaraderie among Filipinos, locals, and other nationalities in building a cause to donate to a chosen charity in the Cayman Islands duly recognized by the Government or the local community as a whole.
- Employ the spirit of Bayanihan in the Cayman Islands by donating their time, resources, and contributions without asking any in return and putting forward a generous spirit to help others as well.
- Support fundraising activities of the CBFC.
· Repatriation of qualified and deserving OFWs in the Cayman Islands.
· Provide or donate at least one Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in a chosen area that will be selected by the Cayman Heart Fund.
· Provide donations to the Cayman Islands Cancer Society.
· Other programs that will directly assist fellow OFWs in the community.
· Other programs that will directly assist locals and other nationalities in the Cayman Islands
- Provide educational programs to fellow members through lectures or seminars in a chosen field that will be requested by the majority of the members of CBFC.
- Benchmark on the best practices of Bayanihan around the globe to further enhance and evolve a better Filipino Community in the Cayman Islands.